Hi there,

if you're lacking some in-the-world-recognized language version of the site here, let me apologize for not finding it. As the majority of my friends interested in my pictures comes from Czech Republic, I decided at the moment to design the whole website only in Czech, my loved mother tongue language.

If you cannot follow it and still want to know more, see please a short intro into the navigation over this website below:

The links in the navigation bar on the top-right corner of each page (or "hamburger" menu in the mobile version) lead you to the key galleries as "DÍLO" (WORK), SVĚT (WORLD) and TOULKY DOMOVINOU (WANDERING HOMELAND). They allow you to jump to different pages containing snapshots, photographs and pictures. The "Zpět nahoru" arrow on the bottom of each page brings you back to top of the page,with the (already known) navigation bar, where the last link EN leads you back to the page you're reading just now. Enjoy!
If you want to write me, if you hate me or love me, please let me know it by using either the contact form below or some of my social networks.

Thank you for your understanding and looking forward for some of your feedback!
Pavel Ramert
Thank you!
Zpět nahoru